Nice weather

19 Jun 2008

Thank you weather for being nice finally, except for those stupid storms that occur from about 4pm to 5pm.

Its finally been pretty constantly nice out for the past week. Wow, I had no idea what 3 days of going to work from 7:30 – 5 and then playing Ultimate from 6-9:30 could do to a person. Its pretty apparent today that its going to be a “get in shape” summer if that continues. Tonight I have a free night. What shall I do? Go for a bike ride or do laundry or sleep. I’m doing a really good job of procrastinating the whole laundry thing. It’s only been a good 3 – 4 months since I last did that…wait I should post stuff like that publicly.

Leaving for Cheese land next week on Tuesday for a week. That should be good to get away, especially after having one of those special “Mac” days where anger builds up rather quickly over the course of the day trying to get them to work well in the labs.

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