Place of temporary residence switch day. Mel and I enjoyed our last breakfast at the Alchymist and then they hailed a taxi for us to our new place across the river. The ride was quite short actually. Seems like everything in Prague is much closer than it looks on the map. We arrived at the address which was 445/1 some-road-that-starts-with-a-V. Mel calls the person to let us in as we are at the door. Apparently there are two doors which we are at the wrong one but neither of us know that until 15-20 minutes of really awkward standing around with large suitcases passes by. Finally figure it out and get let into our apartment that we rented from
First order of business is to get some snacks and stuff for night times while we are here. Off to the local super market we go. All of the pictures from the supermarket are on the camera so you get to wait for those. Nothing too special.
We pick up some meat, cheeses and some beverages and head to the cashier knowing it will be an interesting transaction. The lady seemed less than enthused to deal with the language barrier as well as our random assortment of food and drink. I’m sure she asked us in Czech if we wanted a bag in the beginning, but after we were done we had to ask for one which meant we had to do another transaction before the next person in line could check-out. She didn’t even hesitate that all of our stuff was still needing to be bagged before she started sending the next persons goods down the bagging slider lane thingy. Haha, I was laughing it was so ridiculous. Back to the apartment to drop off the groceries and then out to find a lock to put on the St. Charles Bridge. Here is a good article about that whole lock thing.
We locate a hardware store on Google Maps(really not sure how to survive without Google Maps) and head towards it. Once inside it is indeed a hardware store. Very small and cramped. The guy at the desk doesn’t speak English but does understand my charade gesture of what paddle-lock looks like when it closes. I even threw in the click noise to seal the deal. He shows us the massive wall where we can get pretty much any lock we want and we pick one out and head back to the apartment. Not 50 steps out the door we see a place with the word Pivovar on it. Something about having 3 floors just for us. Pivovar means brewery in Czech. We can’t resist and in we go. Very pub like atmosphere. We score a table near the door and take a look at the menu(picture on my camera). Dark beer and special dark #2 beer catch our eye. Order them up.
I have a sip of the best tasting beer I’ve had to date. The one on the left is the culprit of stealing Tyghe’s #1 spot. The beer on the right is pretty good too, but masked by that precious dark brown not to sweet nectar contained in the left glass. I had to have another just to make sure.
After the brewery we head back to the apartment to have our dinner/snacks and have an easy relaxing night to ourselves. Pretty awesome.
Tomorrow we make great adventure on the train. Heading off to Karlovy Vary via the train. We spend a good amount of time booking our train tickets and also booking the hotel. When you are on your honeymoon booking things becomes much easier. 1st class on the train or 2nd?. Umm, 1st of course.