Coming to America

17 May 2010

Well I’ve made it back to Montanimerica safely. Just in time for the protests in Bangkok to go wild. Somehow I had this weird feeling that as soon as I left things would get more interesting over there. I think it is good to note though that I don’t feel completely worried about leaving Mel there though, as our apartment is far enough away that she is safe. I do worry about how she is stuck alone in the apartment all the time though and I get to venture out and do fun stuff, but I’ll be back soon enough.

So I don’t have a phone either so getting a hold of me while I’m back is really fun. Facebook or Email is the easiest.

So, onto the agenda for my time back

  1. Bucking Horse Sale
  2. Visit Glendive and eat a bunch
  3. Move stuff out of apartment in Bozeman
  4. Visit Glendive more and eat more
  5. Bozofest
  6. Work week @ MSU
  7. Fly back

Videos from Bucking Horse Sale



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