While I was super excited to get my new blackberry when I first ordered it(First impressions of it), it slowly started to anger me more and more. The device’s battery is super flaky and would only last about a day and it would periodically lock up completely.
Well since I had a hankering(sorry I just love that word) that the Storm probably just needed some love I tried a few things that seemed to have worked really well and decided to share them
- Apps that continuously pull information down from the Internet kill battery. Make sure you don’t have these running all the time. Here is a list of apps that do this that I use
- Google Talk
- MSN Messenger
- Google Maps
- Gmail
- Google Sync
All of these don’t constantly pull information, but the messenger ones are really the killers. They are in constant communication with a server and will kill your battery the fastest.</li>
* Delete all those crappy blackberry apps. I deleted pretty much every app that I didn’t use.
To delete applications on the Storm I went into Options(icon looks like a wrench)->Advanced Options->Applications
This will list all the apps on your phone. You can highlight an app and then hit the Blackberry button and click Delete to remove it.
You will have to reboot your blackberry after you delete all the apps you want in order to make the deletions take affect.
* Delete all old messages. Once I realized that my phone had well over 1000+ stored text messages and other messages I deleted them all. If you use the blackberry mail client as opposed to the Gmail client or whatnot you are storing all your emails on you phone( I think ) which takes up available application memory. Freeing up this memory allows your apps to run without running into memory issues.</ol>
Just using these 3 tricks should prevent your blackberry from locking up as much as it was. I suspect there is a memory issue on the phones that creates issues when it doesn’t have enough free memory. I know when I first got my blackberry it was expected that the device would lock up on me at least once a day where I couldn’t even unlock the phone. After doing these three things I have only had 1 lock up.